
SKU: 03051101-151

Avaliability: On stock


Izuzetno lagani puplin mat sjaja, sa malim procentom likre. Ima veoma jednostavnu i finu rebrastu, cik-cak teksturu, koja garderobu čini lagodnom i mekanom na dodir. Veoma popularan za letnji perod, ali se može koristiti i u tranzicionim, jesenjim i prolećnim kolekcijama. Najčešće koristi za izradu kvalitetnih ženskih i muških košulja i modele sa manipulacijuom. U ženskom i dečijem programu od njega se još mogu šiti i haljne, suknje i bluze sa karnerima ili nekim drugim detaljima.

Price: 4,20 eur 3,36 eur

Order Swatch Why order a sample
We do our best to show an item's color on every picture we make. In spite of our best intentions, we can never guarantee exact colors or color matching because of this simple fact: Variations in monitor or mobile color settings are just too wide from device to device. This is why we strongly encourage you to order a swatch before purchasing your fabric or trim. The price of one swatch is 3,00 EUR. The dimensions of the swtach are 10x10cm. One swatch consist of 5 colors within one article. If you are concerned that a fabric may become sold out by the time you receive your swatch, you can always call Textil customer service to ask if this is likely to happen with the fabric you are swatching.

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Order Swatch Why order a sample
We do our best to show an item's color on every picture we make. In spite of our best intentions, we can never guarantee exact colors or color matching because of this simple fact: Variations in monitor or mobile color settings are just too wide from device to device. This is why we strongly encourage you to order a swatch before purchasing your fabric or trim. The price of one swatch is 3,00 EUR. The dimensions of the swtach are 10x10cm. One swatch consist of 5 colors within one article. If you are concerned that a fabric may become sold out by the time you receive your swatch, you can always call Textil customer service to ask if this is likely to happen with the fabric you are swatching.

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