3 Fabrics that Combine Fashion and Sustainability

In today's world, fashion and sustainability are increasingly going hand in hand. Many global brands recognise the importance of preserving the planet and are turning to materials that have a smaller environmental impact.
This time, we present three special materials that are a perfect combination of quality, style, and responsibility: organic cotton, modal, and Mulberry silk.


Organic Cotton has become synonymous with responsible fashion. Here are a few reasons to consider incorporating organic cotton into your production:.
1. Unparalleled durability: Your collections will last longer and provide the quality your customers deserve.

2. Reduced use of chemicals in production: Organic cotton is grown without the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. This means you protect your workers, consumers, and the environment from toxic substances.

3. Comfort and gentleness on the skin: Your customers will appreciate the quality and feel good in the clothing you create.

4. Healthier option for sensitive skin: Without harmful chemicals, it reduces the risk of irritation and allergic reactions.

5. By incorporating organic cotton into your production, you become part of responsible fashion. You show that you care about preserving the planet and supporting sustainable practices.
Mulberry Silk: This silk is of the highest quality on the market and offers the following advantages

Perfectly smooth with a fine texture.
1. Durable and long-lasting, ensuring that the garments you design remain in perfect condition for a long time.

2. Mulberry silk has excellent moisture absorption, absorbing 3 times its weight in moisture. This is particularly useful for pillowcases and sleep masks as it helps maintain natural skin moisture and prevents drying during the night.

3.  Hypoallergenic and antibacterial: People with sensitive skin or allergies will appreciate this feature.

4. Contains 18 amino acids that provide numerous benefits for the skin and hair.

5.  Prevents skin ageing: Due to its composition and softness, Mulberry silk helps maintain skin hydration and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and aging.

6. 100% natural material obtained from silkworms, an environmentally friendly choice.

7. Available in different weights, 12 momme and 19 momme, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Modal is a fabric that combines softness, breathability, and ecological awareness. Here are a few advantages it offers:

1.  Modal provides an exceptionally soft and silky touch, making it ideal for underwear and bedding.

2. Thanks to its structure, it is a very breathable fabric, making it suitable for activewear and everyday clothing, as it allows good ventilation and keeps you fresh while wearing it.

3. Modal is 50% more absorbent than cotton. Garments made from this material will provide a feeling of dryness and comfort throughout the day by absorbing more moisture.

4.  It is known for its durability and resistance. It can be worn again and again without worrying about damage or deterioration of quality.

5.  Wrinkle-resistant and retains smoothness even without ironing.

6. It has an excellent drape that makes your clothes look more elegant. At the same time, modal offers comfort and a sophisticated look, making it an excellent choice for various styles and occasions.

7. It is made from regenerative plants, and this process uses fewer chemicals than other types of viscose. It is also completely biodegradable, contributing to environmental preservation.